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Charitea Mate 330 ml

New product

If you want to shake things up a bit - and that's what we do - sometimes you need a fortifying sip. We've prepared something that wakes you up better than espresso - our mate tea. It is full of natural caffeine and based on a good dose of Argentinean passions. That is, if it is truly natural and obtained through fair trade. Cheers, mate.

Only naturally grown vegan ingredients from around the world get into our bottles.

Ingredients: carbonated extract of organic mate tea and organic black tea (88%), organic agave juice, organic orange juice (3%), organic lemon juice (3%).

Energy (per 100 ml): 71 kj (17 kcal). Carbohydrates: 4.0 g, of which sugars: 4.0 g. Contains traces of fat, saturated fatty acids, proteins and salt.


49,00 Kč tax incl.

Minimální odběr pro tento produkt je: 12.
Volume330 ml
Packaging12 pcs
Country of originGermany

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