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New product

Bruxo X is a post-distillation blend of 80% Espadin mezcal and 20% Barril mezcal.

It is produced by mezcalero Juan Morales Garcia in San Dionisio Ocotepec, Oaxaca.

This mezcal has a delicate aroma full of citrus and floral notes with peanuts and jicama.

Citrus peels, fruit, chamomile, mineral notes and light honey appear in the taste.

Bruxo Mezcal Bruxo was created by a group of friends who love and respect the country of Mexico.

They discovered the magic of mezcal, but above all its people.

Brujo is synonymous with shaman, wise, enlightened; and the "X" in the word Bruxo then refers to the pronunciation of their countries of origin, Oaxaca and México.

759,00 Kč tax incl.

Volume700 ml
Packaging6 pcs
Alcohol content40%
Country of originMexico

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